• Sparsham
  • Monday, September 25, 2017
  • Reading time: 1 minute

With people of Kadappara Tribal Settlement, we celebrated Onam 2017. Our celebration began with the pookkalam, a traditional floral carpet. We noticed that they had all agreed to help us organise our modest pookkalam. We spent some time conversing with the locals and ate a delicious traditional meal called Ona Sadya. This is our second trip to Kadappara, and we’ve realised that they need more attention and assistance. We gave Ona kodi at the end of the day, and before we left, they had us pledge to come back with more people. We appreciate the support of all our members and sponsors. We wish everyone a happy and peaceful Onam.

Sparsham EC, thank you very much.

Onam Celebrations

Tribal Settlement